On April 9, 2019, George Kittle married Claire Till. It was a significant moment for the San Francisco 49ers tight end, as he had met her when they were still students at Iowa University.
Since then, they have developed into one of the most prominent couples on the gridiron. On Tuesday, the fifth anniversary of their wedding, Claire reflected on the event on her Instagram Stories:
“My greatest adventure”

Happy anniversary, I love you”

The story of Claire and George Kittle’s wedding is a very humorous and interesting one.
First, the future five-time Pro Bowler had a clever way of proposing to his girlfriend – a fake 49ers photo shoot at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk near San Jose, as he relayed in an interview with 95.7 The Game:
“I’m not going to brag but I think I killed it, I’m not going to lie…I convinced my fiancé — well, girlfriend at the time — that the 49ers were doing a photo shoot for girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives that they were going to put in the brochures and on the website. So I had our head photographer and two of our head video guys basically do a fake photo shoot down on the Santa Cruz beach, and so she basically had no idea.”
“We were doing a whole photo shoot on the beach; cameras, we had a drone down there, lighting, everything that you possibly need. Got her a little bit distracted and then cut to the pop the question. It was pretty awesome.”
“I didn’t think (the photographer) was going to bring the drone out, but when he did, I was like, ‘You know what? Screw it. That will be pretty fun.”
As for the ceremony itself, it would occur in the least conspicuous of places: inside M.C. Ginseberg’s Jewelry Store in downtown Iowa City, where Iowa University is located. But as Claire expounded on in ‘Lettey Set Go’, her personal blog at the time, it was not the original plan:
“We initially chose the location to be the rooftop of M.C Ginsebergs jewelry store in dt Iowa City. But due to nasty rain cold weather we had the ceremony inside on the main floor, their jewelry show room.”
The two then planned to hold a larger and more elaborate ceremony in Italy on their first anniversary, but it was initially cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It eventually happened in 2021 in Nashville.