Female Photographer Impresses NFL Fans with Her Unwavering Dedication Capturing Stunning Shots in Freezing Conditions During the Snowy Bills-49ers Game

One photographer at Sunday’s Buffalo Bills game against the San Francisco 49ers has wowed NFL fans on social media with her dedication to her craft.

While many layered up to brave the frigid, snowy conditions at the Bills-49ers game, one credentialed photographer on the sidelines did not fall in line.

The photographer, later identified on social media as 49ers’ staffer Kym Fortino or @kympossible3, had on multiple layers under her jacket and a scarf. Missing was pants and a hat.

And at that, Fortino’s shorts were incredibly short, having her legs exposed directly to the freezing temperatures.

Fortino is pictured wearing a nearly identical outfit at several other 49ers games. It is an outfit more suitable for the sunny California weather compared to a snowstorm.

Staying the course earned Fortino a massive amount of respect on social media.

The 49ers photographer, Kym Fortino, braved the cold in Western New York in her short shorts
The Bills dominated on the field while the attention of the internet has shifted to Fortino's outfit

‘Actually she’s with the 49er’s photo group. Also she had no hat on either,’ one NFL fan said.

‘That just made my day.’

‘That’s a Southtown girlie if ever I saw one.’

‘Hell yeah!!!’

A collection of social-media messages about the photographer in shorts at the Bills-49ers game

The Bills did blow out the 49ers 35-10 in a game where the snow rarely let up in Orchard Park.

San Francisco is in last place in the NFC West with a 5-7 record and its playoff hopes in serious jeopardy.

The 49ers face the Bears on Sunday in Santa Clara, where Fortino’s outfit should be more suitable for the weather.

Female photographer at snowy Bills-49ers game wows NFL fans with dedication  in freezing conditions | Daily Mail Online

According to the 49ers, Fortino is a breast-cancer survivor, undergoing treatment during the 2013 season.

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