“Love You, Gotta Go Back to Work”: Joe Montana Recalls Iconic Sideline Call to His Wife During NFL Game

Joe Montana, a four-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback, is still considered one of the best to ever play in the NFL. On Friday, he was a guest on ESPN’s “The Pat McAfee Show”, and the former Indianapolis Colts punter asked him about the time he called his wife, Jennifer from the sidelines.

Montana went on to say that he saw a phone on the sidelines, and wanted to see if it would dial out. He then wanted to call his wife and tell her that he loved her.

Montana went on to say that his wife was quite surprised when she picked up the phone as she was watching the game at home. He then told her he loved her, and went back to playing.

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“Yeah, I mean, I called her a bunch of times after that. But one time I was just sitting there and I think it was in LA. I was sitting there and we were winning. And I was going well, let me see if I hit nine, like any other place, right? You get an outside line, and I got an outside line. So I got my house, and she answered the phone. I said, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’ She goes ‘I’m watching the game, what are you doing? You called me.’
“I just thought I’d check and see if this phone will work and it did so I thought I’ll call and say, hey, love you, gotta go back to work.”

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The Super Bowl champion also went on to say that this wasn’t the only time that he had used the phone on the sidelines to make a call.

Joe Montana’s wife, Jennifer Wallace, was born in Pennsylvania in 1958 and is most notably known as a model for Sports Illustrated and an actress.

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Jennifer and Joe Montana met while filming a commercial for Schick razors. They got married in 1985 and she continued her acting and modeling career. In 1998 she appeared in “Adventures with Kanga Roddy” and in 1999 she appeared in the show, “Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit 99”.

While she no longer acts or models, Jennifer owns her own jewelry company, called “Jennifer Montana Designs” where she donates close to 80% of the profits to local charities in the San Franciso, California area.

The couple has four children: two sons and two daughters.

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